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(28/4/2023)  Death of Bobby Doherty  

It is with great sadness that the Fellowship has to announce the death of our dear friend, member and former Chair Bobby Doherty. Bobby passed away peacefully on Thursday 27 April after a long battle with cancer.

He was instrumental as Chair in getting the Fellowship to go back to the Polio Games in Leicester after a gap of almost 30 years. He also spearheaded the use of the Short Strand Community Centre which was a God send to us all enabling us to meet on a weekly basis.

A great friend to us all Bobby was always available for advice and guidance and we are all the better for having known him. Everyone in the Fellowship has their own memories of Bobby and are all the poorer for having lost him.

Bobby's funeral takes place on Wednesday 3 May 2023 at 10am in St. Bernadette's Church, Rosetta with burial following at Roslawn Cemetery. All available members are asked to attend the funeral to give Bobby the send off he truly deserves.

Rest In Peace you good and faithful servant.

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