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(22/12/2021)  Christmas Greetings 2021  

I just want to wish all our members and friends and supporters a very happy Christmas and a peaceful New Year. It has been another difficult year for us all with the continued threat of Covid-19 but as ever our members have remained upbeat through it all.

Dominic McCarthy (husband of our member Collette) had Covid-19 and was very very ill but thank God has made a good recovery. Collette fell and broke her wrist and young Dominic had to go into respite for a while. They are all now back at home together.

Mart McVeigh (wife of our member Joe) died very suddenly and shortly after Joe broke his hip. He is now fully recovered and back in action.

Our member Heather Scott and husband Paul lost their beautiful daughter-in-law Bernie to cancer after a very long fight.

Our member Alan Hughes' wife Sadie has been very ill but thankfully has been able to go to our last couple of functions although in a wheel chair.

I myself have been in hospital with severe Cellulitis but am now recovered.

Our former Chair Bobby is still ill but as ever remains very upbeat.

Enough of all the doom and gloom. Despite everything the Fellowship still held the NIPF games in The Everglades Hotel and our annual dinner. The annual BBQ was cancelled but instead we had a very enjoyable Sunday dinner in The Stormont Hotel.

Our NIPF Whatsapp group has become our main method of communications and there are dozens of messages on it every day. My wife says her head is away with the number of "pings" from it every evening. If anyone would like to join the group just get in touch.

For any member who hasn't been in touch for a while why not make a New Year Resolution to contact us. We'd love to hear from you. We a better together.

Eddie McCrory

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