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(17/9/2020)  AGM - 2020  

We have all been affected by the Covid-19 pandemic and our AGM is no exception. The AGM normally takes place in May and we held of in the hope that things might improve. It is now obvious that things will not return to normal for a considerable time and there is no possibility of holding a normal AGM.

Everyone should know that the Fellowship continues to flourish and all normal records are being kept. The annual accounts have been submitted as usual to The Charities Commission.

Over the last 30 years there has never been the need for an election as all vacancies have not been filled. The committee proposes that for this year only there should be no AGM. Under the constitution the AGM appoints the members to the committee and the committee then appoints the officers. We propose that from 30 September 2020 all positions be vacated as if there was an AGM and the committee meets and appoints its officers for the incoming year in the normal way. In addition if there is anyone who would like to sit on the committee they will be co-opted on before the positions are filled so that they can be considered for positions if they wish to stand.

This is not ideal but we feel it meets the spirit of the Fellowship without putting people at risk by holding an AGM.

If any member objects to things proceeding in this way please contact any committee member and we will try to find another way to proceed.

As ever stay safe in these dangerous times.

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