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(1/4/2020)  Death of Mary McConnell  

The Fellowship has heard with deep regret the death of our member Mary McConnell. Mary had not been at any functions for a number of years but used to be a regular at the annual dinner and she always came with our member Colette Cregan.

Mary came to the swimming in Ormeau Baths in the 70s when most of us had drifted away and Mr Foster and Roly McAteer taught her to swim.

For a period she worked for Mr Rankin in Polio House.

With the current situation with Covid-19 it will not be possible for the Fellowship to be represented at her funeral but she will be in our thoughts and prayers at this sad time.

In the photograph of the Re-Opening of Polio Hall Mary is the dark haired girl at the far left

(15/3/2020)  Coronavirus   

We are aware that everyone is very concerned about the Coronavirus. The following action has been agreed :-

1. Until further notice the Wednesday Night practice at the Short Strand Community Centre is suspended.

2. The quiz due to take place next Saturday 21 March is cancelled.

3. After speaking to our president Aileen Martin we have postponed the annual dinner due to take place in May. It is hoped the dinner will take place in September but this is subject to things settling down. Members will be advised when things are clearer.

4. The AGM due to take place in May is also postponed.

We are all very aware that these are trying times for all our members and we would encourage everyone to join our NIPF WhatsApp group. You will be able to get updates on how we are all doing and everyone can share experiences. If you are not in the group and would like to join send a message to Eddie McCrory's mobile 07719324160 and we will get it sorted.

Stay safe and remember we are polio survivors so we can cope with this.

(11/3/2020)  NIPF Games  

The NIPF took the decision not to enter the BPF games in Leicester this year. The reason was we had all paid LIFE Membership of the BPF and they decided illegally to introduce an annual membership fee of £30. We were not prepared to bow to blackmail to get to Leicester. What a wise decision this was. If we had all paid the £30 we would have booked our flights on Flybe and with its collapse we would have lost some £2,500 and would not have got to the games as there is no alternative carrier yet.

The Fellowship made the decision to hold our own Polio Fellowship Games and these take place this weekend in The Everglades Hotel. Keep an eye here to see how the games go. If they go well next years games may be even bigger and better.

(2/3/2020)  Next Quiz - 21 March 2020  

The next quiz takes place on Saturday 21 March 2020 at 7.30pm at The Dockers Club, Pilot Street. The cost is £7 per person and this covers entry to the quiz, spot prizes, play your cards right and supper.

Play your Cards Right was won at the last quiz so it can be done!!!

Come along and join the craic and see if you can take on our quiz supremo Paddy the inquisitor Pill.

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