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(1/1/2021)  New Year Greetings  

A very happy New Year to all our members and polio survivors everywhere. Hopefully within the next few days some of our members will receive the Covid 19 vaccine and the rest of us will follow shortly thereafter.

May we all get back to some kind of normality but until then stay safe.

(21/12/2020)  Christmas Message 2020  

Well 2020 is almost over and I'm sure I speak for us all when I say we will be glad to see the back of it. Let us all hope that 2021 will see the Covid-19 vaccine being made widely available and we can get back to some kind of normality. We of all people know what it is like to be waiting for a vaccine. Some of us can also remember being isolated when we were first admitted to hospital. Things haven't changed that much.

The NIPF has a WhatsApp that has been a lifeline to many of us during the lockdowns. If any member would like to be added just let us know and Christine will be happy to add you. You are welcome just to follow us or take and active part. The craic is great.

At the start of the first lockdown Eddie McCrory did a sponsored walk around his house over the space of a week. He told stories about the Fellowship in the past and murdered a song at the beginning and end of each walk. It was all on our WhatsApp and had hundreds of comments everyday. As well as keeping everyone's spirits up during lockdown it also raised a magnificent sum of almost £5,500 which will almost pay for the 2021 games.

We also have a Quiz WhatsApp and have a quiz every fortnight. It has proved very popular and again if any member would like to take part in the quiz just let us know and we will add you in.

Our member Alan Hughes and his daughter Anne have introduced a draw based on the bonus ball in the National Lottery to coincide with the fortnightly quiz. This has proved a great success and has raised much needed funds. It has already meant we have the funds for our trip to The Slieve Donard next September and enable us to organise regular evenings out when permitted. We had three outings this year but unfortunately due to the latest lockdown won't be able to have another until at least February. Many thanks to Alan and Anne for their sterling work.

Unfortunately due to Covid-19 we were unable to have our annual dinner this year but hope that we will be able to have the 2021 annual dinner.

As ever the Fellowship is indebted to our President Aileen Martin for her continued support for everything we do.

Since our last Christmas message three members have passed away Trevor Boyle, Mary McConnell and John McMurray. Our sincere sympathy to their families.

Just to finish a very happy Christmas to all our members and of course to Joe McVeigh who celebrates his birthday on 25 December.

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