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(29/1/2020)  Next Quiz - 29 February 2020  

The next quiz takes place on Saturday 29th February at 7.30pm in The Dockers Club, Pilot Street. The cost is £7 per person and this includes entry to the quiz, spot prizes, supper and Play Your Cards Right.

Will any lady take the plunge on this special night and ask the man of her dreams to get hitched. The day only comes round once every four years so make the most of it.

(7/1/2020)  First quiz of 2020 - 25 January 2020  

Clear the cobwebs after Christmas and put the brain back in gear. Can you outwit Paddy the Inquisitor Pill? The next quiz takes place on Saturday 25 January 2020 at 7.30pm in The Dockers Club, Pilot Street. The cost is £7 per person and this covers entry to the quiz, spot prizes, supper and play you cards right.

(3/1/2020)  Funeral Arrangements for Trevor Boyle  

Trevor's funeral arrangements have now been released. He will be laid to rest in Redburn Cemetery Holywood at 11 am on Monday 6 January 2020 after a funeral service in James Brown and Sons, 719 Upper Newtownards Road, Belfast BT4 3NU at 9.45 am. All available members are asked to attend.

(2/1/2020)  Death of Trevor Boyle  

It is with great sadness that everyone at the Fellowship has heard of the death of our lifetime member Trevor Boyle. Trevor had been a member of the Fellowship from the late 1950s. At flag days to raise funds it was a photograph of Trevor which hung from every collection box and a life size cardboard cut out of Trevor that was displayed in the foyer of cinemas all over Belfast. This helped raise much needed funds for the Fellowship.

When PPS was first mentioned Trevor represented the Fellowship at conferences in USA and in Germany.

For many years Trevor was the face of PHAB in Northern Ireland. After retiring from his position in PHAB he became active again in the Fellowship becoming our secretary and helping raise the profile of the Fellowship.

We offer our sincere sympathy to Trevor's wife Helen sons Robert and Jonathan and grandchildren at this sad time.

When details of the funeral service are released these will be posted on the website.

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