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(28/9/2019)  Death of Sylvia Hynes  

It is with sadness that the Fellowship has learnt of the death of our member Sylvia Hynes after a long battle with illness. We offer our sincere condolences to her devoted husband Raymond children Ruth, Gareth and Andrew her mother Agnes and wider family circle.

Sylvia always thanked God that she had only mild residual effects of polio. A number of years ago she started to have problems with her balance etc and was diagnosed with Parkinson's. In typical Sylvia fashion she accepted God's will and got on with life. With her devoted husband Raymond she continued to attend our annual dinners and information days until two years ago when she was no longer able to come. Her smile and good humour were infectious. Every time you asked "How are you Sylvia?" you got the same reply "Fine, Thank God".

Sadly on 24 September 2019 Sylvia could fight no longer and went to her eternal reward. A celebration of Sylvia's life takes place in Mountpottinger Methodist Church on Monday 30 September at 11.30.

(20/9/2019)  Confirmed Polio Case in The Philippines  

A case of Polio has been confirmed in The Philippines after being polio free for 20 years. This is heart breaking and highlights the need for continual vaccination. As all polio survivors will agree better to take a couple of minutes to get the vaccine than risk a lifetime of life with polio. As survivors our message to those not getting their children vaccinated is simple "Wise Up".

(13/9/2019)  Crossgar pulls out all the stops for Night at the Races  

On Saturday 7 September the Fellowship held A Night At The Races in The Corner Inn Crossgar to raise funds for the Fellowship.

Many thanks to our own Joe McVeigh who was chief organiser of the event. Special thanks to The Corner Inn for making their premises available and for doing commentator on the races. Thanks also to the volunteer bookies, all those who sponsored races and horses and those who provided the wonderful spread and those who brought ballot prizes.

Finally a big thank you to those who attended on the night and bet on the races and bought so many ballot tickets.

Thanks to everyone the night raised a magnificent £2,048. The people of Crossgar really are the salt of the earth and every time we hold an event there we are staggered by their generosity.

(13/9/2019)  Next Quiz - 21 September 2019  

The next quiz takes place on Saturday 21 September 2019 at 7.30pm in The Dockers, Pilot Street. The cost is £7 per person and this covers entry to the quiz, spot prizes, play your cards right and supper.

All being well Paddy Pill will be back as quiz master. It just wasn't the same without you Paddy.

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