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(13/4/2018)  New President Appointed  

The Fellowship is pleased to announce that following the death of our late President Sir William Hastings his daughter Aileen Martin has kindly agreed to become our new President.

Our Chairperson Bobby, secretary Christine and committee member Eddie met with Aileen this week and gave her an update on the Fellowship. She is very interested in helping the Fellowship in any way she can and to take an active role as our new President. We look forward to our continued association with the Hastings family.

(10/4/2018)  Next Quiz - 28 April 2018  

Date for your diary - next quiz Saturday 28 April 2018 at 7.30pm at the usual venue The Dockers Club, Pilot Street. The cost is £7 per person and this covers entry to the quiz, supper, spot prizes and entry to play your cards right.

Come along for a nights craic and pit you wits against Paddy "The Inquisitor" Pill.

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