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(23/2/2018)  The Saints Go Marching On  

After winning the Northern Ireland Boccia League the NIPF Saints turned their attention to The Boccia Senior Cup. This took place today and The Saints stormed through to the final and carried of the cup in style.

When asked for the secret of their success William Auld put it down to the healthy eating regime introduced by Alan Hughes to Wednesday night practice sessions at The Short Strand Community Centre. Joe McVeigh thought it was down to the mindfulness sessions co-ordinated by Eddie McCrory while Alan Weir said it was down to technique coaching by Joe Edwards. Whatever the reason massive congratulations to William, Joe and Alan on this wonderful double.

(9/2/2018)  NIPF Team win NI Boccia League  

In only their second year in the NI Boccia League The NIPF Saints have won the league.

The team Joe McVeigh, William Auld and Alan Weir have played 13 games in the league and have won every game. There are 16 games in the league and even if they lose their 3 remaining games they would still be champions. Their current score difference is plus 85 and their nearest rivals are plus 43. They have 39 points from their 13 matches while their closest rivals have 27 points from their 13 matches.

The final set of matches take place at The Antrim Forum on Saturday 3 March and the team will be crowned league champions. All support is welcomed.

Does this mean the saintly trio will be on the wagon at the annual dinner on 2 March !

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