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(24/10/2018)  World Polio Day 2018  

On this World Polio Day we pay tribute to all survivors past and present of the disease which was the scourge of the 20th century - POLIO. All of us have our own stories but we are all of one voice in declaring that this most awful disease must at last be confined to history. Let us hope that there will be One Last Push to finally declare the world Polio free.

(17/10/2018)  Leicester Games Fund Raiser Roaring Success  

The Cabaret Night held in The Dockers Club on Saturday night to raise funds for the 2019 British Polio Fellowship Games was a wonderful success. Thanks to everyone who purchased tickets and a very special thank you to Alan Hughes who organised the event.

From all reports everyone had a great night and £1,580 was raised towards the 2019 Games in Leicester.

(12/10/2018)  Next Quiz - Saturday 3 November 2018  

With no quiz in October I am sure that you will all be champing at the bit for the next quiz which takes place on Saturday 3 November at 7.30pm at the usual venue The Dockers Club, Pilot Street. The cost is £7 per person and this covers entry to quiz, spot prizes, supper and Play Your Cards Right. Come along and test your old grey cells against Paddy "The Inquisitor" Pill.

(12/10/2018)  Christmas Quiz - Saturday 8 December 2018  

The Christmas Quiz this year will take place on Saturday 8 December 2018 at 7.30pm in The Dockers Club, Pilot Street. As everyone knows this event is always a sell out so don't forget to book your tickets which will be on release at the next quiz on 3 November. The cost is £10 per person the same as last year. Book early to avoid disappointment.

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