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(19/12/2017)  Next Quiz - Saturday 20 January 2018  

The first quiz of 2018 will be held on Saturday 20 January 2018 at 7.30pm in The Dockers Club, Pilot Street. The cost is £7 per person and this includes entry to the quiz, spot prizes, supper and entry to play your cards right.

Come along and start the new year by exercising your brain and pit yourself against Paddy the Inquisitor Pill. No one got the better of him in 2017. Can you in 2018?

(15/12/2017)  Death of our President Sir William Hastings  

All at the Fellowship are saddened to learn of the death of our much loved and very active president Sir William Hastings.

He was always very generous with his time and expertise. He was instrumental in getting us funding to set up our website and in funding our return to the British Polio Fellowship games after an absence of over 30 years.

His regular attendance at our annual dinner highlighted his interest in all our activities.

Every year the Fellowship has a mid-week break in The Slieve Donard Hotel. Sir William came to see us each year without fail and left a gift for every member at the dinner table.

As president he always donated a prize for every fund raising draw we organised.

He will be sorely missed. To his wife Lady Joy Hastings and his four children we offer our sincere sympathy.

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