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(24/8/2016)  Many friends gather for sad farewell to Irene Malone  

A very big thank you to all members of the Fellowship who came to bid farewell to Irene and to support our friend and member Terry at this sad time.

Terry very much appreciated everyone's attendance.

(24/8/2016)  Bowls new addition to Wednesday Night Games  

We took delivery of a bowling mat tonight and the bowls are on order so it won't be long before bowling is added to the list of games available at the Fellowship's Wednesday Night games at Short Strand Community Centre.

Why not come along and get involved.

(22/8/2016)  Confirmation of Funeral Arrangements for Irene Malone  

Irene's funeral will take place at 3.30pm on Wednesday at Roselawn and not 3pm as previously notified.

All available members are asked to attend.

(21/8/2016)  Death of Irene Malone  

The Fellowship is sad to announce the death of our long time member Irene Malone. Irene was a very active member of the Fellowship for many years until ill health prevented her from coming to events. We all fondly remember her at annual dinners with her husband Terry who also suffered from polio. Irene would sit and watch Terry up on stage with his guitar.

The funeral service is expected to be at Roselawn Crematorium on Wednesday at 3pm. Confirmation will be posted on the website as soon as possible.

All available members are asked to attend the service. Irene will be greatly missed and our sincere sympathy to Terry at this sad time.

(5/8/2016)  Next Quiz - 27 August 2016  

The next quiz will be held on Saturday 27 August at 7.30pm in The Dockers Club, Pilot Street. The cost is £7 per person and this covers entry to the quiz, spot prizes, supper and Play Your Cards Right.

Pit your wits against Paddy the Inquisitor Pill. No one has got the better of him yet. Come along meet old friends make new ones and have a bit of craic while at the same time supporting the Fellowship

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