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(7/4/2016)  Games at Short Strand Community Centre  

Following a great trip to Leicester the games continue each week at the Short Strand Community Centre. We now have boccia, new age kurling, darts standing and sitting, scrabble, draughts and dominoes. We hope to have carpet bowls available within the next month.

We hope to run a league in all the sports starting in May and the position in the league will determine who represents the Fellowship in Leicester next year. The leagues are open to all members of the Fellowship so why not come along and give it a try.

The evening runs from 7 to 9 every Wednesday and is free of charge and tea, coffee and bicuits are provided.

(7/4/2016)  Next Quiz - 7 May 2016  

Following the great quiz last week when we celebrated the 70th birthday of our quiz master Paddy "the inquisitor" Pill the next quiz will be held on Saturday 7 May at 7.30pm in The Dockers Club, Pilot Street. The cost is £7 per person and this covers entry to the quiz, spot prizes, supper and play your cards right.

Come along and enjoy the craic.

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