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(28/6/2015)  Update on Sponsored Walk  

The amount raised by the sponsored walk has now reached a magnificent £2,000. A enormous vote of thanks is due to Deirdre Rice for organising to do the walk and nominating the Northern Ireland Polio Fellowship to receive all funds raised by her participation. Deirdre you are a star!

(25/6/2015)  First Night at Short Strand Community Centre Roaring Success   

24 June was a great start for the Fellowship's use of the Short Strand Community Centre. On arrival we were treated to tea and biscuits by the staff at the centre. Odhran Doherty of Disability Sport was on hand with all the equipment needed for Boccia. After a very brief talk through the rules and a few warm up games to get us used to the delivery of the balls we had a game. On team captain William Auld's team were Joe McVeigh, Joe's sister, Ronnie Connolly and Helen Nelson while on tean captain Christine Connolly's team was Alan Weir, Eddie McCrory, Jim Bailie and Heather Scott. The match was highly skilful and umpire Odhran was kept busy by two very competitive teams. Christine's team won through in the end.

While this was going on Bobby Doherty and Breige Torrans were busy improving their Scrabble skills while Alan Hughes and Liam McGrann kept a watchful eye on proceedings. It was a wonderful night.

Next week as well as Boccia and Scrabble we will be playing Kurling so why not come and join us. Make Wednesday night sport night.

A big thank you to Odhran who will be there again next week.

(18/6/2015)  Link up with Short Strand Community Centre  

The Fellowship is delighted to announce that The Short Strand Community Centre has agreed to make its facilities available to us.

In association with Disability Sport we will be having weekly Boccia and Kurling sessions in the Community Centre starting on Wednesday 24 June from 7 to 9. We hope to introduce disabled bowls in the very near future.

It is also intended to have afternoon computer classes in September and more details will issued shortly.

Short Strand Community Centre is in Beechfield Street which runs from Mountpottiner Road to Bryson Street. The Centre has its own car park and is disabled friendly.

All members are welcome.

(10/6/2015)  Next Quiz - Saturday 27 June 2015  

The next quiz takes place on Saturday 27 June 2015 at 7.30pm in The Dockers Club, Pilot Street.

The cost is £7 per person and this covers entry to the quiz, supper, spot prizes and play your cards right.

Come along and enjoy the craic and get the holiday period of to a good start.

(5/6/2015)  Sponsored Walk   

An enormous thank you to Deirdre Rice's family for completing the sponsored walk to raise funds for the Fellowship. With the wonderful donations of £400 at the Information Day the total currently stands at £1,373. Another £350 is expected so the grand total should reach £1,723. This support really helps with the running of the Fellowship. Thanks again Deirdre and a big thank you to our member Margaret McGrann who asked Deirdre and her family to do the walk on our behalf.

(4/6/2015)  Information Day Resounding Success  

The Information Day exceeded all expectations. The venue was excellent. The speakers were superb. The lunch was first class. The photo booth was very popular. Old friendships were renewed and new ones forged and on top of all that no rain!

Some members were attending their first event run by the Fellowship in many years. Elspeth McGookin (nee McCauley) has not been at an event for well over 40 years. She was soon reliving old swimming sessions in the 1960s with Helen Nelson (nee McClean) and Sandra Agnew who has not been at an event in many years either. Elspeth said she nearly fainted when she opened the brochure and saw a photograph of herself in 1964. Two others in the same photograph Eddie McCrory and Alice Bailie were also there. None of the three of them has changed a bit over the years! The years have been kind to them.

A big thank you to all the committee for organising this wonderful event and in particular to Christine our secretary for all her hard work. Thanks also to our Vice President David McCrory for co-ordinating the day and to our resident IT specialist Jim Bailie for producing all the name badges they added a touch of professionalism to the whole event. It all went without a hitch.

Last of all a big thank you to all our members for turning out in such numbers it really made all the hard work worthwhile.

(2/6/2015)  AVIVA Community Fund  

Unfortunately our project did not receive enough votes to reach the finals of the AVIVA Community Fund but we did learn a lot from the experience. Put simply not enough of our members voted and some of those who did vote did not get their friends and family to vote.

We will need to be better prepared next time. We had one member who voted got his wife and three children to vote. His children put it on their Facebook and Twitter accounts and asked their friends to vote and this brought hundreds and hundreds of votes. If we had all done this we would have walked it to the final or maybe been pushed in our wheelchairs at least.

Next year we will be better prepared.

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