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(25/5/2014)  Next Quiz - Saturday 14 June 2014  

The next quiz will take place in The Dockers Club, Pilot Street at 7.30pm on Saturday 14 June. The cost is £6 per person and this covers quiz entry fee, spot prizes, paly your cards right and supper.

Come along exercise your grey cells and enjoy a good nights craic

(25/5/2014)  AGM held 24 May 2014  

The AGM was held in The Radison Hotel at 2.30pm on Saturday 24 May 2014.

Before the AGM a DVD of photos past and present compiled by Jim Bailey was shown and a copy was given to each person at the meeting. Many thanks to Jim for this wonderful gift which brought many memories come flooding back.

The Chair, Bobby Doherty welcomed everyone to the meeting and recorded with great sadness the passing of two stalwart members who had died since the last AGM namely Jean Thompson and Paddy Grimshaw. Bobby reported that agreement on the bill for swimming over the last 5 years had been agreed with BELB and the final settlement was less than half of the original claim. Having said that it was still in excess of £13,000. The Fellowship continued to hold social events like the annual BBQ and annual dinner. There continued to be quizzes to help fund a midweek break for those members who attend the quiz. Any member who wishes to avail of the midweek break is more than welcome provided they support the quiz. The midweek break has no drain on funds as it costs less than the money raised. The Chair thanked all the committee for their work throughout the year with a special thanks to our great secretary Christine Connolly.

The treasurer William Auld presented his annual report which showed the Fellowship was in a healthy position. If we exclude the one off payment for swimming the Fellowship spent little over £1,000 more than it took in. This was good given that the Annual Dinner and BBQ are free to all members. William was thanked for his sterling work.

The election of the new committee took place and the following were elected to serve on the committee in the incoming year Bobby Doherty, William Auld, Christine Connolly, Eddie McCrory, Helen Chapman, Heath Scott, Breige Torrans, Jim bailey and Joe McVeigh. The chair thank those committee members who had stood down for their work and welcomed new committee members. He advised the meeting that the committee had the power to co-opt three members to the committee so that if any member thought they could offer their services to the committee then they should contact a member of the committee. The committee will meet shortly to elect their officers.

Trevor Boyle advised that the Northern Ireland Charity Commissioners were meeting NI Charities and having a critical look at their constitution. He said our constitution was outdated and needed updating. Eddie McCrory said he would contact BPF to see if they would let us have a copy of their constitution and see if it could be used as a basis for an update. If a new constitution is drafted it will have to be approved at a special AGM.

With the AGM business complete Eddie McCrory gave a short history of the Fellowship in this our 75th year. He also gave an update on recent meetings with the British Polio Fellowship. It is hoped that there will be a conference/seminar in Northern Ireland next year of members from NIPF/BPF/PPSG/EPU. He told members that we had made an application to become a member of the European Polio Union (EPU).

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