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(18/12/2014)  Christmas Greetings to all our members  

The committee would like to wish all our members a very happy and peaceful Christmas. We also wish you all a healthy 2015.

2014 has been a big year for the Fellowship. We have after many years re-established contact with the British Polio Fellowship and are delighted to announce that we will be sending a team to the BPF games in Leicester in March next year. Hopefully this will be an annual event.

This year we also joined the European Polio Union to add our voice to the campaign for better awareness by statutory authorities of the needs of polio survivors throughout Europe.

Our annual dinner and BBQ continue to be highlights of our year and our monthly quiz brings many old friends together on a regular basis

During the year the Fellowship lost three very dear friends. On 17 February Paddy Grimshaw died after a short illness. Paddy as everyone knows was a one off and we will never see his like again. He always said that the Fellowship was his family and he is greatly missed. On 31 August our former Chairperson Norman Johnston died after a battle with cancer. Norman was instrumental in getting the Department of Health to fund conferences to highlight Post polio Syndrome. On 30 September Malachy Foots lost his long battle with cancer. Malachy had been very active in the Fellowship in the 60s and early 70s. Although living in the Republic for many years he never forgot his friends in NIPF. I don't think I ever saw Malachy without a smile on his face. Our thoughts and prayers are with the Grimshaw, Johnston and Foots families on this first Christmas without their loved ones.

Why not make a New Year resolution to become more involved in our events. The annual dinner at the end of February will be a good chance to do that. HAPPY CHRISTMAS

(14/12/2014)  Bumper Christmas Quiz - 20 December 2014  

The annual Christmas Quiz takes place this coming Saturday - 20 December 2014 at 7.30pm in the usual venue The Dockers Club in Pilot Street. It promises to be a night not to be missed. The fee for this special quiz is £10 and covers entry to the quiz, spot prizes, play your cards right and a very special supper. There will also be a chance to buy tickets for our bumper Christmas Draw with dozens of wonderful prizes including a break for 2 at the Slieve Donard Hotel kindly donated by our President Sir William Hastings. The draw will take place at the quiz.

It will be a great nights craic so come along and join the fun.

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