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(10/2/2013)  Next Quiz - 9 March 2013  

The next quiz takes place at the usual venue The Dockers Club Pilot Street on Saturday 9 March 2013 at 7.30pm.

The cost is £6 per person and this includes the supper, spot prizes and play your card right. As play your cards right was won at the last quiz the prize is £50 this time.

Hope to see you all there.

(10/2/2013)  Annual Dinner  

You should by now all have received your invitations to this years annual dinner on Saturday 2 March 2013 in Dunmurry Golf Club at 7.00pm for dinner at 7.30pm.

The Fellowship will pay for members. Members can bring guests at a cost of £18.95. This year there is a choice of three different starters, three different main courses and three different desserts so it is important that you return your form so that the correct meals are ordered.

There will be music amd the usual ballot.

This is the main gathering of all members of the Fellowship every year so lets make it bigger than ever. Hope to see many old friends there.

(9/2/2013)  Mid-Term Swimming Closure  

During Fleming Fulton Mid-Term Break there will be no swimming. After swimming this Monday 11 February there will be no swimming on Saturday 16 February, Monday 18 February and Saturday 23 February. Swimming will resume on Monday 25 February

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