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(29/5/2012)  Obituary - Jim Cunningham  

The Fellowship is deeply saddned to have to report the death of one of our most active members, Jim Cunningham. Jim was one of the earliest members of the Northern Ireland Polio Fellowship. He went to the Saturday swimming in Ormeau Baths in the 60s. He attended nearly all events organised by the Fellowship and despite his ailing health he was a most welcome guest at our annual dinner in March. Although clearly gravely ill he was still his old self full of chat and good humour. The AGM just two weeks ago was the first he had missed in many years and he sent his apolgies for non-attendance. He will be sorley missed by all his friends in the Fellowship.

Jim's funeral service is this Thursday 31 May at 12 noon in Elim Church East Link Road Dundonald and any available members are asked to attend.

Attached is a photo of JIm and his late wife Sylvia who died in January 2009.

(29/5/2012)  Swimming Cancelled  

As Fleming Fulton School is closed for the Queen's Diamond Jubilee there will be no Aqua Fit on Saturday 2 June and no swimming on Monday June. Back to normal the following Saturday 9 June.

(23/5/2012)  Swimming Cancelled  

There will be no Aqua Fit class this Saturday 26 May 2012. Swimming as normal on Monday 28 May 2012

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