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(17/4/2009)  AGM and Conference - Saturday 9 May 2009 - Beechlawn Hotel  

Details of the AGM and Conference are now available.

The conference entitled "Medical Effects of Post Polio Syndrome" starts at 9.30 on Saturday 9 May 2009 (registration from 9.00am). Sorry for the early start but some of our speakers have other appointments. We have a great line up of speakers as follows -

9.30 Mr Richard Wallace - Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon.

11.00 Dr Michael Watt - Consultant Neurologist RVH

12.00 Dr Marshall Reilly - Consultant Repiratory Physician BCH.

The conference will be chaired by our Vice President Dr David McCrory and there will be time for questions after each speaker has delivered his talk.

The AGM takes place at 2.00pm.

We have never had experts from Northern Ireland together like this so make sure there is a big turn out on the day.

Morning coffee and lunch will be provided by the Fellowship for all those attending.

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