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(31/1/2009)  Obituary - Sylvia Cunningham  

Everyone in the Fellowship will be saddened to learn of the death of Sylvia beloved wife of one of our earliest members Jim Cunningham. Sylvia had not been in good health for many years but she always attended the Annual Dinner and bar-b-que with Jim and was always in good spirits. Our sincere condolences to Jim and family at this sad time. Sylvia's funeral takes place from Elim Church at the junction of Comber Road and East Link, Dundonald on Monday 2 February 2009 at 10.15 am.

Above is a picture of Sylvia and Jim at one of our annual dinners

(27/1/2009)  Annual Dinner  

Did you get your NIPF Newsletter in the post? If so you'll have seen that the Annual Dinner is on 28 February in The Beechlawn Hotel at 7pm for 7.30. Complete the reply slip and return it as soon as possible to Helen. Don't forget you can bring friends and at only £10 it must be the best value around.

If you didn't get the Newsletter and want to go to the dinner ring Helen on 02890640586.

Lets make this the biggest and best dinner yet.

(10/1/2009)  Former Members Get In Contact  

The Fellowship was delighted to hear from two former members who asked to be remembered to all their friends. Kevin Watson and William Sheppard who both went swimming and to outings in the late 50s and 60s have been in contact.

Kevin now lives in Plymouth and is married with two daughters. He works in the Naval Dockyard in Plymouth. He has very fond memories of swimming at the Ormeau Baths and of going to Polio House every Wednesday - trying to play snooker on the full size table and playing in the wonderful gardens.

William now lives in Orpington in Kent and is also married with two daughters. He is a computer consultant. He was one of our strongest swimmers and represned the Fellowship in Galas in Dublin, Birmingham, London and many other places.

Both wanted to know if anyone could remember them and send best wishes to all their old friends.

If there are any other old members who want to get in touch post a message on the guestbook and we'll take it from there.

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