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(23/7/2007)  Annual Barbeque  

The Annual Barbeque will be held in he courtyard of the Belfast Activity Centre, Barnett's Demesne, Upper Malone Road on Saturday 4 August 2007 at 3.00pm.

The Barbeque is free to all members and you can bring along friends at a cost of £10 each.

As ever Alan Hughes will be preapring the food with Sirloin Steaks or chicken with salads and dessert.

Some of our members from Fermanagh have alreday confirmed that they will be coming so it would be great if we had a big turnout on the day and had a great days craic.

If you can come plaese confirm to The Secretary, 89 South Parade, Belfast BT7 2GN

The barbeque is always one of the years highlights so do try and come along.

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