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(14/5/2007)  Annual General Meeting Held  

The AGM took place in Malone House on Saturday 12 May 2007. It was a beautiful day but the turnout was disappointing. However it was great to see Robert Donaldson there who had travelled from Fermanagh for the meeting.

Trevor Boyle took the chair for the elections. The AGM elects 10 people on to the committee and 10 people had received valid proposals and seconders. Trevor proposed that as there were only 10 nominations for 10 places that all the candidates should be deemed elected. This was seconded by James Cunningham and agreed by unanimously by the meeting. The 10 elected to serve on the incoming committee were Helen Nelson, Helen Chapman, Breige Torrens, Christine Connolly, William Auld, Paddy Grimshaw, James Ross, Rodney Barklie, Dreenan McBride and Eddie McCrory.

It was reported that attempts are ongoing to get swimming restarted as a regular event. The proposed venue is Fleming Fulton School.

Robert Donaldson is trying to get in contact with polio survivors in the Fermanagh Area. When he has made contact and is in a position to organise a meeting some members from the committee will go down to a meeting there.

It was suggested that as many people as possible should write a reflection of their polio experiences and these could be published on the website.

It was recognised by all that the Fellowship's constitution is vastly out of date. The incoming committee is charged with drawing up proposals for the adoption of a new constitution at next years AGM.

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