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Robert Doherty - Chairperson

Contracted polio in 1949 and spent over a year in Purdysburn and Musgrave Park hospitals. Has worn callipers ever since.

Bobby lives in Belfast and is married to Hilary. They have 3 children - 2 daughters and a son – two of whom live in London and the other lives in Germany.

He is a keen swimmer and swims at least twice a week in the Avoniel Leisure Centre in Belfast.

Commenced his working life in the printing industry before moving on to the Northern Ireland Civil Service. Spent 10 years in the Parliamentary Ombudsman’s office from where he retired in 2004.

He was awarded the OBE in 2004.

Eddie McCrory - Vice Chairperson

Contracted polio in July 1957 two days after 5th birthday. Spent 6 weeks in Purdysburn Fever Hospital before being transferred to Greenisland Hospital where he stayed for the next 10 months. Wore calipers and a body brace when discharged. Within 2 years the calipers and body brace were no longer needed. In 1964 at the age of 12 developed a severe lumbar scoliosis and received hospital treatment for this two years later. Operation on leg in 1972.

Member of the fellowship since 1958. Favourite pastimes with the fellowship were swimming, parties and weekly visits to Polio House.

The late Bill Foster was his hero for teaching him how to swim. Still can't understand how so many people with major muscle loss could learn to swim. He must have been a genius as well as a saint.

Married with 3 children 1 boy born in 1989 and 2 girls born in 1991 and 1995. Was a civil servant until his retirement in April 2003. Has been on the Fellowship Committee since 1999. Secretary of the Fellowship from 2000 to 2003 and Membership Secretary since then. Became Vice-Chair in 2014. Would love to see more members coming together for social outings and sport.

Christine Connolly - Secretary

Christine has taken on the role of Secretary from 2009.

William Auld - Treasurer

Contracted polio in 1950 at same time as sister who made full recovery. Patient in Purdysburn Fever Hospital for three years. Over the next seventeen years had eight operations in Musgrave Park Hospital.

Attended school in Bangor and went to college in Dungannon in 1967. On leaving college in 1968 joined Bavarian Garages and has worked until his retirement in 2013.

Joined the fellowship in 1960. First elected to the committee in 1976 and was appointed Treasurer in 1980. He has held this post ever since.

Loved getting to swimming on a Saturday night as this was only outing of the week from Bangor.

Hopes that website will enable survivors to find out more information on the late effects of polio and hopefully enable some former members to contact us again.

Jim Bailey - Committee Member

Contracted Polio in 1957 aged eight months and spent 18 months in Greenisalnd hospital. Had a leg lengthening operation in 1980, didn’t go well and had below knee amputation 1986. Been a member of the Fellowship since childhood. Earliest memories are of weekly visits to Polio House for play and physiotherapy, Ormeau baths, Christmas parties and the Rotary Club’s 2 week summer camping adventure at Crawfordsburn.

Have worked as an IT Tutor for more than 17 years at Springvale Learning helping our young people and adults gain IT skills for the world of work.

Lives in Belfast with wife Susan and two children, Jeanette & Stuart. Jeanette married last year and has flown the coop. Eldest daughter Gemma died at age 8 from a metabolic disorder Glutaric Aciduria type 1

Returned to the fellowship fold 2010 after meeting Margaret McGrann and was invited to info day at Beechlawn House Hotel and haven’t looked back since. Been on breaks, barbecues, dinners and not forgetting the quizzes since returning and must say I have had a ball at every single one. It has been great renewing old friendships and meeting new friends.

The Polio Fellowship really is one big happy family, long may it continue

Helen Chapman - Committee Member

Was 5th person to contract polio in Cork in 1956 at age 10 (sister was sixth). Was treated at Cork Fever Hospital and Cork Orthopaedic Hospital. After three operations led a near normal life.

Came to Belfast to study at Queen's University and met her husband Wesley there. They have two daughters. Worked as a Librarian for many years but had to retire in 2002 due to the late effects of polio.

Became a member of the Fellowship in 2001 and secretary in 2003. Would like to see a dedicated clinic in Northern Ireland to deal with Post Polio Syndrome.

Ronnie Conolly - Committee Member

In December 2010 Ronnie was invited to join the committee. He was delighted at the invitation and had no hesitation in accepting.

Ronnie has been attending Polio Fellowship events for several years and since 2010 has organised quiz nights on behalf of the fellowship These nights have been very successful not only by raising funds but offer good fun and enjoyment for everyone who attends. As a member of the committee Ronnie will continue to organise further quiz nights and hopefully come up with other events for the social calender.

Ronnie has said that over the years he has had the pleasure of meeting many members of the fellowship who he has found to be both kind and generous.

He urges everyone to read the forthcoming events which are posted on the website as they are a great opportunity for everyone to get together and enjoy the friendship and fellowship.

Joe McVeigh - Committee Member

Contracted polio in 1950 and spent the next 16 years in Hospital - 6 years in Purdysburn Fever and Musgrave Park followed by 10 years in St. Joseph's Hospital Co Westmeath.

Joined the Fellowship in 1967 and enjoyed the swimming every week.

Loved the Flag Days Collecting Money for the Fellowship and getting out and about.

Joined the Committee in 2014.

Heather Scott - Committee Member

Contracted Polio in 1957, aged one year and two months. Was a patient for the next year and two months between Purdysburn Fever Hospital and Greenisland.

As a small child was taken to Qrmeau Avenue Swimming Baths on a Saturday Evening to learn to swim with other members of the Fellowship and absolutely loved it. I made lots of friends which I continue to love and socialise with. I have great memories of going in the cream bus to Flag Days to raise much needed funds and having such fun. Now suffering the effects of Post-Polio Syndrome.

I worked as Administrator/Personal Assistant to Managing Directors until I had to take Medical Retirement after a fall at work.

I met my husband Paul when I was seventeen, married at nineteen, we are now thirty nine years married and God has blessed us with two lovely children and six healthy grandchildren.

Briege Torrans - Committee Member

Contracted polio in 1957 aged 20 months. In Purdsyburn Hospital and then Greenisland Hospital for 3 years. Discharged from hospital in two callipers, back brace and crutches. Eventually was able to manage with one calliper.

Worked in the Belfast City Hospital for 8 years before moving to London and then Southport. Returned to Belfast in 1994 after 11 years and contacted the fellowship.

Worked in Queen’s University Belfast for 14 years before medically retiring in 2009. Like so many survivors is now suffering the effects of post polio syndrome and is now using a wheelchair.